Monday, May 25, 2009

Vacation, Raw, Mums, and More!

In two weeks I'll be on the East Coast! We start the trip in Connecticut, travel to Boston for a few days, then we go down to New York City! This trip will be amazing!

Just saw WWE Raw Live yesterday. Yes I am white trash. Anyhow, the show was fun and I had a great time.

Somehow Andrew and I managed to play another video game (Gears of War 2) for about 7 hours last night. I haven't played that many hours in the past month total, yet I managed to get lost in it last night. Good thing I bought Jill Netflix!

I'm pretty sure Keven and I are going to go see my brother Brian at the end of July. His ship will becoming back to the US for the first time since Feb. They'll port in Jacksonville, Florida and then Kev and I will be able to do the "Tiger Cruise" which will let us go out on the ship with Brian for a few more days until we dock in Norfolk, VA. This should be an amazing experience so hopefully I can pull enough strings to make it work.

Pepsi Max is a yummy diet soda. It has twice the caffeine as regular Pepsi. Take the good with the bad.

Jill is a sweat girl and she is making me a yummy dinner tonight, since I spent my day having people ask "Why are YOU out of Mums?".... This brings me to my next topic....

Why do Utahan's put flowers on EVERYONE'S grave on Memorial Day? Memorial Day is to pay tribute to those who have fallen while service. Yet, every headstone I pass has a billion flowers on it, so either EVERYONE in Utah has served in the Military, or we just can't get enough of those 3 for $12 Mums!

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