Thursday, January 1, 2009

Brian and Elijah

My brother Brian and his son, Elijah, came home for the holidays. Brian is in the Navy and I only get to see him around once a year. It is always good to see him and I love him more than words can express. He is such a strong man and has been through hell and back and he has never lost his drive or smile. I admire him very much.

Brian and his girlfriend, Marceau, have a beautiful son named Elijah. Brian got to bring Elijah home with him and I got a nice long week to start a relationship with him. He came home for Christmas last year, but was only 1 1/2 at the time, so needless to say he was shy and uncomfortable around this fat kid. But not this year. Every time I'd come home from work he'd yell "Unka MATT" and run around the house, jumping and screaming. We'd watch movies together, play with cars, and we even wrestled to the point that I blew out my knee! But every moment with him was a blast. I love him very much. His Aunt Jill is heartbroken he had to leave as it maybe another year until we see him. Hopefully it will be much sooner.

Other then my knee injury this was the best Christmas ever. We had family members bury the hatchet on some old drama and reunite. For the first time in 10 years with the exception of the awkward moments at my wedding, we had all the Mabey kids in the room together. It was very special.

Brian, if you read this, just know that I am proud of you and all that you have done with what life has dealt you. You serve this country and you do it selflessly. You are loved very much. Take care of Marceau and Elijah and come back soon!

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