Monday, July 8, 2013

Mending Fences

If you've been following my blog or If you've stumbled across some of my older posts, or if you're a close friend and you know my situation, you likely know that I've had some family issues in the past. I talked rather openly and freely about many topics, but the one that caused me the most pain and anger had to do with my father. For a long time we were not getting alone or even speaking. It was the hardest and most confusing thing I've dealt with. I'm not going to get into specifics as to why things were the way they were. There is no need to rehash the past, nor is there any reason to place blame on anyone or anything. People fight. People disagree. Bad things can happen even when the intent is good. In the end what matters most is that I have my dad back in my life. He's a rather private man, so I'm just going to leave our story alone, but I had to throw this picture up on my blog. It makes me happier than words can express.

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