Thursday, May 16, 2013

Oh my little Lu...

Little girl,

That's what you are. You're no longer a baby. Sure you still do things that babies do. You want a binky (bee) at night, you fight me on using your big girl potty, and you still sleep in a crib. But that's where the baby part ends. You are a little girl.

You talk in full complete sentences. You can easily convey for emotions, thoughts, and wants. You memorize song lyrics in full with just a couple listenings and then woo your mother and I with your version. You have a seriously funny sense of humor and are quick witted too. Have I mentioned you talk well? Of course I have. Want to know why I keep bringing that up? It's because you don't stop. I call you "Motor Mouth Maybelle". You just keep going. And going. But I love every minute of it.

Soon your baby sister will be born and we are all so excited. You talk about her all the time and are fully aware that she lives in your moms belly but will one day come out "to play" with you. I'm equally excited and nervous for the day she comes. Will I be able to handle two little girls? Yikes.

I love you to the moon and back little girl. You're "my buddy" and "daddy's best friend". Thank you for bringing so much joy into our lives, my little Lucille Joy.

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