Friday, February 1, 2013

Time just flies by

I can't believe it's already February 2013. Seems like my life has been a giant whirlwind. If I'm not home, running after a hyper 2 year old, I'm at work, putting in a very long day. Seems like just keeps going, nonstop. Not complaining at all, I'm actually very happy, just in awe of how fast time gets away.

Brian and his family came out after Christmas and spent about two weeks here. It was great to see them all, but between the horrible weather, every single kid getting the flu, myself getting the flu, and then a medical scare for Jill, lets just say it wasn't the most relaxing two weeks for anyone in this household. Nevertheless, it was wonder seeing him, Krystal, Isaac, and Grace.

My sweet baby girl turned 2 in January. That alone makes me feel like time is moving in fast forward. Her birth feels like it just happened. I'm so amazed by her intelligence, demeanor, and size! Her doctor said she's very advanced mentally, and she's in 89th(ish) percentile for height. Between her size, motor skills, and language, it's like we have a four year old at home.

Lucy really loves Thanksgiving Point. Between the Dinosaur museum and Farm, she just can't get enough. My in laws bought me a membership for Christmas and Lucy and I have taken full advantage of it! She runs around, pretending the Dino's are out to get her. She's so funny.

My sweet Jill is looking very pregnant now. She's like my Mom was. You can see the baby pushing outwards. She's doing really good, and even when she's not feeling the best, she doesn't complain much and is just happy for this blessing. We find out in two week the baby's gender! So excited. Let the name debates begin!

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