Monday, October 8, 2012

New surroundings

This time next week I'll be sleeping in my bed, with my blanket, next to my wife. However, the feeling will be much different. Jill and I are moving out of the condo that we've called home for around 5 years, to a new, much bigger place.

I've lived in the Salt Lake valley for about 28 of my 32 years on this planet. It's going to be very weird crossing down into Utah county. Though it will be a little familiar, I did live in Lehi for 6-8 months with my Dad when I was in 9th grade. However, since that time Lehi has gone from around 10,000 people, to over 50,000. Technically, we'll be in Saratoga Springs, but it's pretty much the same thing.

I'm excited to move out, not excited to move. Moving has to be the worst thing. Packing up all your junk, lifting the heaviest things you could imagine, and living for a few days or weeks in a land of cardboard boxes. Hopefully we'll be in our new place so we won't have to do this again for a while.

Lucy loves the new place. It's has three levels and she's very found of climbing up and down stairs. The room she is moving into has safari animals painted on the walls and she loves looking at the "kitties and effalents".

Once we move in I'll write a blog about the new home and about all the notable things that have happened around here lately. But as of right now I'm a little overwhelmed by it all and it will have to wait.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Is it election time yet?

Wow. Politics bring out the worst in people. Thanks to modern technology, everyone thinks it's ok to spout off their personal political beliefs on the internet. They post half truths, misconceptions, and flat out ignorance on their Facebooks, Twitters, and blogs. If you don't buy what they're selling, drama follows. I've seen close friends and family members at each others throats because they have different ideas. It's insane.

I'm not playing. My beliefs are mine, and I am more than welcome to discuss, debate, and explain my feelings. But I will not post them online and basically tell everyone that doesn't believe them that they are bunch of idiots. I just can't believe the way people talk to each other. So much racism, negativity, and stupidity. It's giving me a headache.

We live in a country where we are allowed to choose the representatives that we want. That doesn't give us the right to fight, belittle, and just flat out be rude to each other if we disagree. Do your talking at the polls people. Perhaps before hand, do some real research on each candidate too. Both parties play with half truths and the news reports it as they see fit.

In the meantime, leave the hate alone. Nobody cares that you "know" that Obama is a Muslim, or the Romney isn't a "true Christian" and all the other dirt. Vote for your state representatives, you do know that the House and Senate play a role too and that the President doesn't have absolute power, right? Then stick to policies and facts. And finally, be kind to one another. Hate is such an ugly thing.