Sunday, March 21, 2010

Not very bloggy

So we are growing close to the end of March, and I have a whopping total of one blog posted for the year (minus this one) and it was mainly a recap I wrote ages ago. I haven't felt very inspired to write. It's not that nothing good is happening, because my life is pretty darn sweet right now. I just haven't felt like taking the time to share with you. Not that it's a big deal. I have zero regular readers and maybe a few friends that occasionaly glance in this direction. Perhaps soon I will feel inclined to finish my blog about greatest video games. Maybe I'll write about baseball and the two stadiums I will be visiting soon. Or perhaps about the fact I am going to WrestleMania Sunday. But for now, the spoilers are all I have. Goodnight!


Jillian said...

I always read :)

Michelle said...

You lie, I am a regular reader as well.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, I don't visit the actual site often, but I subscribe via google reader. :-)