Saturday, November 14, 2009

Here I sit...

Just watched the Pacquiao/Cotto fight tonight. Pacman dominated the entire fight on his way to a record seventh title win in seven different weight classes. He's a beast. I hope they can hammer out the details and get him in the ring with Money Maywether.

Still battling a slight cold. I feel bad for Jill as she has it really bad, but in the same breath I am happy mine is minimal. Though it would be nice to spend a few days at home with Jill.

So just for the sake of it, I shaved my face. All the way. Gotta say it is a scary sight. My chicken gizzard is getting out of control. I really to to focus on staying in better shape. My under chin is so big, it may require it's own zip code for my face... Yikes!

Anyhow, I hope the three of you that actually look at this blog liked my Top Ten Video Game post. I plan on doing the 1990's post relatively soon.


Jillian said...

I love your face. No yikes here!

Bakhrom Mananov said...

Interesting photo. you really look cool.