Wednesday, December 26, 2012

End of the Year

So I haven't quite gotten around to blogging about our new place yet. In fact, I haven't blogged about anything, in a long time. I think I use my blog the most when there is a lot on my mind, or when I'm really stressed out. But lately, I haven't been too concerned with much, nor have I been overly stressed. I know, terribly boring, right?

Ever since I left the bank and took the simple clerk position at the store, my work stress has melted away. Sure, I wish I was making the money I used too, but that day is wide open when I want to return. Staying home with Lucy is not only saving us sitter money, but it's been so good for my soul. Therapy that money can't buy. Plus, Mommy has a better piece of mind when Daddy has her baby. Not that anything is wrong with the sitter, we love her, it's just better to raise your own babies if possible.

The other major stress in my life has taken a dramatic turn. I once thought my relationship was over with my Father, but it's far from that. Not only are we talking, but we've hung out, watched a game, had lunches, and talk and text regularly. He's going through some rough patches of his own right now, but I'm here for him and glad that he's around. I'm not sure Lucy understands yet that she has another Grandpa, but when she sees him she tells us that "he's cute". Not a bad impression I guess! Haha.

Back to the house. It's big. Not huge by any means, but big for what Jill and I are a custom to. We love every aspect of the house, except for the location. Nothing wrong with Saratoga Springs, but we are city people, and the cows, winds, and the combo of two aren't our cup of tea. One day we'll find the right place, but for now, this works very well.

We just had Christmas, and I have to say it was highly successful. Lucy loved her toys, especially the toy kitchen Santa brought, and the doll house her Grandparents gave her. She kept making "soup" all day on kitchen burners and would make everyone taste it. Then she'd play with the doll house and constantly flush the toilet to hear the sound effects. She's one funny kid.

But life is really good right now. Not too many highs or lows, just a steady flow of happiness. Oh, except for one really BIG HIGH that happened. We found out that Jill is pregnant with baby #2!!! Can't wait for this, yet wish time would slow just a bit as I watch Lucy grow so much. Many people think we'll have a boy, which could pose a problem. Jill and I don't agree on any boy names. We'll need all the help we can get!

Well, I think that is enough info for now. Hopefully all three of you that still read this are all caught up. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and wish you a Happy New Year!