Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Feeling irritated because...

I have a new boss and my work world has changes completely.

My sole living parental unit has continued to choose to not be around.

The housing market in my neighborhood stinks so bad that it is driving the value of my place down, thus making it hard to sell.

I can't go anywhere far away from home, anytime in the foreseeable future.

I feel like certain people ignore me unless convenient for them to reply.

Music will never be as awesome as it was in the 60's-70's.

I am writing a pointless blog, bitching to nobody ;)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Park City weekend

Jill and I took a weekend trip to Park City. Of course we brought along little Lucy too. It was nice to get away from work for a few days. My company just restructured managers and my boss, mentor, and friend was shipped off to a new store. We've got a new manager and I'll not listen to the hearsay about her and I'll make my own decision about her once we work together. I just hope she doesn't try to change what we have going on in our store. Needless to say this has left me very stressed.

But back to Park City. It was nice to spend some time with Jill. Our work schedule keeps us apart too much. She really is the love of my life and I cherish our time together. I couldn't ask for a better best friend. Jill also has some health concerns that have come up, nothing too major, but it still worries me so it was great to just play and not worry about that.

Little Lucy, only six months old, is not so little anymore. She grabs everything in sight, including our cups and she drinks out of them with or without the straw. Of course the cups have water only. Jill would kill me if Lu got into my soda, but I sure do tease her about it. Lucy's personality is so cute. She hams it up and smiles when you break out the camera, growls if you growl, and of course types on keyboards if you do. She's helping my type right now...

We finished up our little getaway buy going to the zoo today. We met up with Jill's parents and had a great time. Lu is sure loved by her grandparents! The zoo was fun, if not just hot. Lu came away with a few toys and had as much fun as a six month old can. After the zoo we went to the Old Spaghetti Factory and had some lunch. We, like most parents, wanted to give Lu a lemon wedge to watch her pull faces and squirm. Didn't happen. This little girl loved her lemon and went to town on it. She was too funny.

Overall it was a good weekend and we had a great time. I really cherish my family and time spent together. I can't wait for our next getaway!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Virginia was fun. I spent the first couple days by myself in D.C., which was nice. I got to go to many of the Smithsonian museums and did other site seeing. I then drove to my brothers house and waited for him to come home. Sadly he didn't get home until almost 8pm on Wed night and I had to leave by Thurs afternoon. However, I did get to take part of his reenlistment, so it was all worth while to me. Plus driving up to Baltimore through the Eastern Shore was beautiful.

Lucy is growing like crazy. She is so smart. She is starting to grab things and is really interested in things with buttons. She is always grabbing my xbox controllers or tv remotes. Since she likes these things so much, I went and bought her a little kid laptop. It lights up, makes sounds, and sings songs. She loves it and pounds on the keys while smiling.

Got word that a member of my family has been or once had spread a nasty lie about me. I got angry for about a day, but then laughed it off do to the source. Life is much too short and good to sweat the petty things. Ugly things happen to people who constantly surround themselves in ugly.

My birthday is in a couple weeks. I'm excited because my father-in-law bought me tickets to the Triple-A All-Star game and home run derby. I love baseball and it will be awesome to see these future stars in action.