Friday, December 31, 2010


Finally, this year is coming to end. I've stayed off my blog most of the year, due mostly to some turmoil between myself and my parents. I didn't want to pop off and say something to damage the relationship even more. I'm not really sure where that relationship is going, but I've been urged by a few to write, so I'm coming back here to write about this fat kids world. If I feel like writing about that situation and it ends up making things worse, I'll just have to deal with it when it does. It's been a long, trying year and I've been through and seen very much. Some very important people in my life passed away, my wife and I finally got pregnant, and some other trials and tribulations happened along the journey. I'll be on to recap some of the highlights and some of the lowlights, either way I am back. I have so much hope for 2011 and I promise I'll be on here much more to keep all three of you updated. Stay tuned, Lucille Joy Mabey is scheduled to join my world on 1/3/11. Those of you who know me, understand why that date is pretty cool. Perhaps I'll have to change the blog title to Rants of a Fat Dad?