Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm Still Here

I haven't forgotten about my blog. In fact I have plenty of things I want to write about. However, it has been a very crazy, confusing summer. I've had a very difficult time with some members of my family and I knew that if I wrote on my blog while the emotions were raw, I'd write somethings that shouldn't be aired or would hurt feelings. So I've to let myself cool off and I've reflected on all of it. I've decided that you can't change peoples hearts or minds and that I come from a loving, yet stubborn and confused group of well meaning people. No longer am I going to try to make all sides of my family happy. If they want to continue harboring ill will and false ideas about me, and others, so be it. I am a happy person and I will not let them hold me back. I am going to be a father soon and I have too much love inside for Jill and our family to let the other stuff get in the way. I'll always love them all and I will be here, like always when they want to be too. But from here on out, Matt Mabey is back to write his stupid blog for all three of you that look at it!