Sunday, August 30, 2009

Time is on my side?

It's kind of funny. The song that is playing in the background right now is "Time is on my side". It's funny since this post has to do with the fact that time seems to be anything but on my side. On July 15th I turned 29. This is my last year of my 20's. Good thing Jay-Z says that 30 is the new 20... MY mortality has always bothered me as my mother died when she was 38. My fathers mother died in her 30's. Scary stuff. Speaking of my Grandma...

She died in her 30's of heart disease. I really don't know too much of her as my father has never really spoken of her. Hell, I was a pre-teen or a teenager before I knew that my Grandma Kathy was my Step-Grandma and that I had another Grandma who had passed away. So where am I going with this? My Father has been diagnosed with heart disease. He isn't getting proper blood flow to a portion of his heart, and his heart is "leaking" too. When they were looking into his heart, they caused a blood clot that is in his thigh. The blood thinners he is on are maxed out and is having little effect. It makes me so sad to see that my Superman is in such a weak state. I am terrified too because this is what has killed his mother, along with other Mabeys, and he is above the age of thirty... I have a hard time thinking of anything but this right now.

My job title has changed at work. They have removed all Front End Managers and have created the Night/Service Manager job. Basically this job requires everything I did already, along with all the Assistant Managers job duties, and has me work night shifts. This job is also salaried so hours do not apply. I have to work a minimum of 50, but will almost always be more. So much for my Jazz games this year.

So this has been the summer of stress and no time to stress about it. I will probably use my blog more often now to update my status, and to vent to keep myself from exploding.